Time you are a thief,
This I know is true.
How do I soak it all in?
Knowing there's no escaping you.
I took Ellie's picture for her last day of Parent Morning Out yesterday, and Harper's picture for her last day of preschool today, and have been thinking about how fast this year of "school" has gone by ever since. In fact, it's all I have been able to think about all day. How did this year go by so quickly? Have I enjoyed each day enough? Will every year of school go by this quickly?
We got home from picking up Harper from preschool and I put on the new episode of Daniel Tiger for them to watch while I fix their lunches. While in the kitchen, I heard Daniel sing "Enjoy the wow, that's happening now". Daniel was so focused on all of the other popsicle flavors, that the one in his hand started to melt. Daniel, I HEAR you. Your one statement has answered all of the questions I keep asking myself. I love the messages the show teaches my girls, but more times than not, the messages being taught to my little ones are getting through to me too.
Stop overthinking how time has gone so quickly, stop questioning if you did enough, stop wondering about time in the future, and just enjoy the NOW. Enjoy the things right in front of you that make you say "wow". Thanks for the reminder, Daniel Tiger.